In keeping with my plan to incorporate all the sims in Pleasantview in my story, I decided to drop by the Broke residence. I was certainly surprised when Brandi became pregnant considering her husband had passed away. Here she is having mac 'n' cheese with her two boys Dustin and Beau.
After an uneventful pregnancy Brandi gave birth to little Nathan. Here he is as a toddler with his big brother trying to teach him how to walk.
Since his mom became pregnant and is now having to stay at home with Nathan, Dustin took an after school job in the business career track.
Time for Nathan's birthday, poor boy grew up in pink pjs when he became a toddler and his family was too poor to buy different ones, I think Brandi was hoping for a girl.
With both his brothers in school now Brandi can get a job and Dustin feels like he can head off to college.
Brandi Broke, lol, yep she is pregnant. Don't look at the dates of her husband's death or they don't add up. She may have wanted a girl, but she ALWAYS has a boy on that pregnancy. Dustin will have a blast at Uni. Will he move back home to help his mom or will he get his own place? Hmmm....
Yeah, that was one of those Maxis "preprogrammed" things - her being pregnant. :O)) I think if you scroll through the Maxis pictures that come with the neighborhood in that storytelling folder, there might be one showing her doing the pregnancy question mark thingy. I could be wrong, of course. :O)) Hehe. And looks like he's the only one who got his mom's hair color. :O) The oldest boy grew up nice. I think he kinda looks like his dad.
Yep, Skip had a tragic pool accident. You'd think that SimTV would have a channel showing nothing but 24/7 pool safety PSAs. Dustin grows up into a nice looking young man; I grew him and whichever of the Pleasant girls he's dating up and moved 'em in with Brandi. The Pleasant girls aren't quite as cute as adults as they are as teens :·( But he's at college now... hmm... who will he meet and fall in love with... too bad there are no girls this generation... so far...
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