Nina's life continued to be interesting long after her romance goal was accomplished. She still loved to go on outings with friends, seen here "clothes shopping" with Melissa Fancey.
Because Nina is my test sim of sorts when I installed university, I visited her lot first. Testing out the drums.
With university now a part of the mix Nina had a new goal in life, becoming a top chef. She already liked to cook and so she switched from party girl to working in the kitchen and found she really liked it, particularly the new people she was meeting.
Hector is probably thinking that at least his parents still love each other. Although I think he'd still rather not witness their make out session.
They just don't seem to have much in common. Dina tries to tell Nina about her wonderful marriage and telling her she should try it herself.
Nice party. Luckily no one caught on to the fact they are all her lovers! :)
I am REALLY surprised that the party didn't turn into a slap-fest! Wow ... and it was a good party, too. :O) Cool! I always find it fascinating the things people make the "founding sims" (a.k.a. Maxis sims) do. :O))
Congrats on the great party! That's quite an accomplishment considering that the guests were all Nina's lovers.
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