Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chapter 10a: Astrid Moves Out

With some help from her parents Astrid was able to purchase a small house.

It wasn't huge but it was all hers and there was plenty of room to expand.

Astrid paints on the top floor.

Astrid heads to work, she has decided to continue working in the culinary world.

Being a popularity sim Astrid is eager to make new friends, here she entertains a coworker.

In another home nearby Hector Caliente was having a birthday party, with his Mom and Dad in attendance.

Astrid and Hector run into each other at the local clothing store.

They haven't seen each other in a while but the spark is still there.

Hector invites Astrid back to his house (he hasn't moved out yet).

Things heat up on the couch!

They realize that they love each other more than ever.

Hector pops the question!

Astrid invites Hector over to see her new house.

More fun on the couch.

Astrid makes friends with the mailman.

The wedding day arrives.

The family looks thrilled to be there.

Toasts to the bride.

And the groom.

This was not one of my successful weddings, the guests left early due to the lack of washrooms and the honeymoon didn't happen as Astrid was exhausted at the end and crashed in bed.

Astrid gossiping in the kitchen about her mother in law with Brandi Le Tourneau.

Hector starts out his career as a business man.

Astrid hasn't been feeling well lately and she wonders what it could mean.

Enjoying a nice quiet dinner together, Astrid keeps her suspicions to herself, she wants to be sure before she says anything.

She starts to show.

Thinking about what happened to get her in this state.

And who helped.
I love when you can read sims thought patterns like this.

"So it definitely looks only like a small baseball not a huge basketball?"
Astrid seeks reassurance on her size.

Definitely looking more like a basketball now!

Astrid shares the good news with one of her good friends.


MysticSpirit said...

Yay! Congrats to Astrid and her new hubby! I'm sure that their house is going to be great once they really get the money rolling in. Wouldn't it be something if they had TWINS? ;O))

Lisa said...

It's too bad that Astrid's wedding party wasn't a roof raiser. Yay for baseball sized baby bumps!

Bubbs said...

Yeah - Benjamin will have a cousin! I love the story so far. :)