Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chapter 14: Geoffrey

Anthony and Dina are expecting! Anthony proudly paints a portrait of his wife.

Dina has cravings for chili.

Fixing a midnight snack.

Anthony discussing work with his mom.

Anthony looks happy to have his parents over for a visit.

It's time!

Let's call him Geoffrey.

The Bertino's are becoming quite the successful couple.

Although Anthony can't stand the noise of his carpool.

Bath time!

Dina works hard to get ahead at her job.

Anthony teaches Geoffrey how to talk.

Father and son.

Geoffrey plays on his own.

Dina teaches Geoffrey how to walk.

Looks like there's a birthday party going on.

It's Geoffrey's first birthday and his parents and grandparents are there to help him celebrate.

Happy Birthday to Geoffrey!

Time to blow out the candles.

Wait for it . . .

*I would like to mention that from here on time lines and ages are a bit skewed as I wasn't concentrating on playing the houses in strict rounds.


Bubbs said...

Geoffrey blow out the candles! Come on Geoffrey! We want to see what you look like! :)

MysticSpirit said...

I wonder how cute Geoffrey is going to be! :O))