Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chapter 28: Birthdays

Ivy decides to give the chocolate candy maker a go.

Boy, those sure look good.

Taste good too.

Derek checks out Dagmar from behind as she performs a tricky shot.

Having a pool room certainly keeps the elders entertained.

Ivy is getting ready to celebrate her transition to elder hood.

An all adult party, a little unusual in this legacy house.

Happy Birthday Ivy!

This isn't too bad, at least she transitioned into a decent outfit.

Alexander and Ivy
(I always find these pictures a little odd until the other person transitions).

Do they talk about anything besides travel?

Benjamin says hi to the bun in the oven.

I think these interactions are too cute.

Looks like it's time for the bun to come out!

Welcome baby Celeste!

I'm very excited to have another girl.

Derek doing some garden work, he loves puttering around the house.

Ivy and Meadow hanging out together.

Proud father.

Everyone loves having a baby around the place. Alexander dotes on his first granddaughter.

A sweet mother and daughter picture.

Benjamin and Celeste.
This is one of my all time favorite pictures.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love the cuddle interaction for babies.