Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chapter 25: Golden Anniversary

It's time for an anniversary party! The family gathers to celebrate Derek and Dagmar's marriage.

Looks like Anthony's gained a little weight recently.

A romantic moment while the family starts the entertainment for the evening.

Watching the game, I don't think Derek is too thrilled to have Dagmar blocking his view.

With the party over it's back to regular family life, Brandon looks so cute reading the paper.

Birthday time for Brandon!

The family gathers to cheer him on.

Seems everyone prefers cake to spaghetti this evening.

Brandon follows the Bertino tradition of good grades.

Brandon and his aunt Dina have a late night jam session.

Derek doesn't look like he cares that the neighborhood meanie, Mortimer Goth is accusing him of spying.


Anonymous said...

Aww so great to see your story updates again. Congrats on golden anniversary, and yay for Brandon's bday and good grades. :)

Lisa said...

Horray for updates!