*I would like to apologize in advance for the gushy romance novel style writing at points, however it did seem to fit the story so it stays.
I introduced Nina Caliente in a previous chapter along with several of her lovers. Now Nina had a goal in life, she wanted to have ten lovers. She was already well on her way to accomplishing this desire having seduced a number of the citizens of Pleasantview. Don Lothario was the first, then came Andrea Hogan and Melissa Fancey, more would soon come. What follows is an account of Nina's pursuit of love.
Nina was good friends with Daniel Pleasant, another romance sim in town who she found very attractive. Here Nina innocently discusses the weather with Daniel.
Another good friend of Nina's was Brandi Broke who had lost her husband about a year ago. Nina and Brandi often spent time together.
Nina almost gets Daniel where she wants him but he gets up after a few minutes and says he has to leave. Nina was quite put out by being turned down and vowed to get Daniel back.
At this time Nina was seeing Darren Dreamer, her neighbor and friend from across the street (mentioned in the other chapter). Another friendship that grew into something more was Benjamin Long, a name that described more than just his nose.
Nina would later regret getting involved with Benjamin when he revealed his meaner side after he caught her in the arms of another in her hot-tub.
Nina would later regret getting involved with Benjamin when he revealed his meaner side after he caught her in the arms of another in her hot-tub.
Despite Don Lothario pretty much ignoring his relationship with Cassandra Goth in public, Nina managed to meet and become friends with her through Darren Dreamer.
Though she did not have much of a garden to tend to, Nina hired a gardener to come and look after her lawn and the few plants she did have. It wasn't long before Calista Despret found her way into Nina's bed.
Nina did not limit herself to her house and property in her pursuit of love and woohoo and occasionally went out looking for fun. Here she is "trying on clothes" with a close friend, wink wink, nudge nudge.
I think Nina enjoys having an audience.
I think Nina enjoys having an audience.
Determined to get what she wanted out of Daniel, Nina invited him over again and used every trick in the book she knew.
Now Nina was acquainted with Daniel Pleasant's wife Mary-Sue, but she didn't really know her that well. Nina decided it was high time she invite her lover's wife over and get to know her.
It turns out they didn't have much in common. Mary-Sue had a career in politics and Nina knew next to nothing about it. They were able to discuss a few things but subjects were limited.
Nina decided that if she wanted to get close to Mary-Sue she'd have to expand her horizons a bit. She decided to get a job and start reading up on current events.
Nina at first didn't think much of her friendship with Cassandra, but one night Cassandra came over unannounced and it hit them at once how they felt about each other.
After what seemed like forever Nina finally felt like she had broken through Mary-Sue's icy exterior.
All of a sudden it was like a dam broke and the pent up passion Mary-Sue had been holding in for so long because of her straying husband, came out full force as Nina kissed her.
Nina felt a sense of triumph, she had accomplished her goal of having ten lovers and had gotten back at Daniel for denying her what she wanted by seducing his wife.
Mary-Sue got a great amount of pleasure getting back at Daniel for his long years of cheating on her with the maid and who knows how many other women. (Little did she know that Nina was one of them.)
Nina's ten lovers in order of seduction: Don Lothario, Andrea Hogan, Melissa Fancey, Brandi Broke, Darren Dreamer, Daniel Pleasant, Benjamin Long, Calista Despret, Cassandra Goth, and Mary-Sue Pleasant.
Nina's ten lovers in order of seduction: Don Lothario, Andrea Hogan, Melissa Fancey, Brandi Broke, Darren Dreamer, Daniel Pleasant, Benjamin Long, Calista Despret, Cassandra Goth, and Mary-Sue Pleasant.